About: Allan

2 thoughts on “TDirect2DCanvas”

  1. That is very nice, but I tried to use TDirect2DCanvas as a replacement for TCanvas in some custom components, and it didn’t work very well. I tried to make it work together with a GDI based canvas so I could see my components in Design Time (TDirect2DCanvas based components seem to have a problem with Design Time). Could you give a look at my code and see what I’m doing wrong?


    #ifndef D2DPanelH
    #define D2DPanelH

    class PACKAGE TD2DPanel : public TCustomPanel
    bool FUseD2D;
    bool FAccelerated;
    bool FJustConstructed;

    bool __fastcall CreateD2DCanvas ();

    void __fastcall SetAccelerated (bool val)
    FAccelerated = val;

    TDirect2DCanvas * FD2DCanvas;

    void __fastcall D2DDrawSolidRectangle (int width, int height, const TColor & color);

    inline void SetD2DCanvasFont (TDirect2DFont * d2dfont, TFont * font)
    if (!TD2DPanel::FD2DCanvas)

    if (!d2dfont || !font)

    d2dfont->Color = font->Color;
    d2dfont->Height = font->Height;
    d2dfont->Size = font->Size;
    d2dfont->Style = font->Style;
    d2dfont->Pitch = font->Pitch;
    d2dfont->Orientation = font->Orientation;
    d2dfont->Name = font->Name;
    d2dfont->PixelsPerInch = font->PixelsPerInch;
    //d2dfont->Handle = (_di_IDWriteTextFormat) (font->Handle);

    void __fastcall WMSize (TWMSize & Message);

    END_MESSAGE_MAP (TCustomPanel)

    void __fastcall Paint ();

    virtual void __fastcall D2DPaint ();

    virtual void __fastcall GDIPaint ();

    DYNAMIC void __fastcall Resize ();

    bool __fastcall Use2D ();

    __fastcall TD2DPanel(TComponent* Owner);

    __fastcall ~TD2DPanel ();

    __property bool Accelerated = {read = FAccelerated,
    write = SetAccelerated};

    __property BorderWidth;




    #pragma hdrstop

    #include “D2DPanel.h”
    #pragma package(smart_init)
    // ValidCtrCheck is used to assure that the components created do not have
    // any pure virtual functions.

    static inline void ValidCtrCheck(TD2DPanel *)
    new TD2DPanel(NULL);
    __fastcall TD2DPanel::TD2DPanel(TComponent* Owner)
    : TCustomPanel (Owner)
    FJustConstructed = true;
    namespace D2dpanel
    void __fastcall PACKAGE Register()
    TComponentClass classes[1] = {__classid(TD2DPanel)};
    RegisterComponents(L”Opto”, classes, 0);

    __fastcall TD2DPanel::~TD2DPanel ()
    if (FD2DCanvas)
    FD2DCanvas->Free ();

    void __fastcall TD2DPanel::WMSize (TWMSize & Message)
    if (FUseD2D)
    if (!this->ComponentState.Contains (csDesigning))
    _di_ID2D1HwndRenderTarget HwndTarget;

    if (FD2DCanvas)
    HwndTarget = FD2DCanvas->RenderTarget;
    if (HwndTarget)
    HwndTarget->Resize (D2D1SizeU (ClientWidth, ClientHeight));
    TWinControl::Dispatch (&Message);

    bool __fastcall TD2DPanel::CreateD2DCanvas ()
    if (FD2DCanvas)
    FD2DCanvas->Free ();

    FD2DCanvas = new TDirect2DCanvas (Handle);

    if (!FD2DCanvas->Supported ())
    return false;

    return true;

    void __fastcall TD2DPanel::Paint ()
    if (FUseD2D)
    D2DPaint ();
    GDIPaint ();

    void __fastcall TD2DPanel::D2DPaint ()
    D2DDrawSolidRectangle (Width, Height, Color);

    void __fastcall TD2DPanel::GDIPaint ()
    Canvas->Brush->Color = Color;
    Canvas->Brush->Style = bsSolid;
    Canvas->Pen->Color = Color;
    Canvas->Rectangle (0, 0, Width, Height);

    void __fastcall TD2DPanel::Resize ()
    /* AfterConstruction won’t work – workaroung */
    if (FJustConstructed)
    if ((Win32MajorVersion >= 6)
    && (Win32Platform == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
    && (!this->ComponentState.Contains (csDesigning))
    && (Accelerated))
    FUseD2D = CreateD2DCanvas ();
    FUseD2D = false;

    FJustConstructed = false;

    TWinControl::Resize ();

    if (FUseD2D)
    FD2DCanvas->Refresh ();

    bool __fastcall TD2DPanel::Use2D ()
    if (FUseD2D)
    return true;
    return false;

  2. It looks fine but maybe you should setup FUseD2D already at the constructor to make sure that no paint events is executed before the resize event, because FUseD2D is initialized in resize().

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